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I'll begin this post with a question - what is your favorite morning drink?

For me, it's black Lavazza coffee. According to my friend from Milan, it's a staple in most Italian homes, making it the most authentic choice. I prefer mine with unsweetened almond milk. Sometimes, when I'm lying in bed at night, I crave my morning cup of coffee already! Mmm...

Suddenly, I recall a client with a "We" photograph hanging in her house. As she sips her black coffee in the quiet of the early morning, while everyone else is still asleep, she gazes at this framed picture on the wall and immerses herself in a flurry of thoughts and dreams. It's as if a legendary piece becomes a part of her morning meditation.

And yet, how diverse our coffee-drinking habits are! My mother, godmother, and niece enjoy having two cups of coffee consecutively in the morning. M prefers coffee from the espresso machine, while I opt for two teaspoons of ground coffee mixed with hot water and flavored with unsweetened almond milk. One of my friends savors cacao, another brews the most delicious matcha, and yet another begins her workday with a cup of coffee topped with oat milk...

These little morning rituals... Would you sip your coffee, cacao, or matcha from a stylish AV mug?

Without a favorite mug, I set out to discover and create one!

The color? Neon magenta.

When I consulted ChatGPT for alternative names for this color, suggestions like "vibrant pink," "bright fuchsia," or "fluorescent pink" emerged. It's the perfect pick-me-up before you even pour your morning coffee.

Speaking of bright colors, new lipstick - Estee Lauder 220 SHOCK & AWE - perfectly complements my spring awakening. Adding to the vibrancy is a sexy detail of the day: a lip print on the edge of the cup!

Inspiration? AGNElogue (feel free to start reading from here), how without it?

I decided to incorporate words that not only bear my name but also echo the everyday experiences shared by each of us: IMAGINE (a skill we all possess), ANGEL (we all have a Guardian Angel), CHANGE (something we can all embrace and undergo), STRANGE (unusual things happen to us all), ANGER (a natural and healthy emotion), MAGNETIC (our ability to attract what we desire), NEGATIVE (which we balance with positivity), ELEGANCE (a touch of this spice suits everyone), AGENT (for me, it's 007, and for you?), ENIGMA (who doesn't enjoy a bit of mystery?).

Are you yearning for that empowered, awakened, and confident version of yourself?

If so, begin your journey with the Morning Bliss Mug "AGNE" right HERE.

If my stories resonate with You, let's connect through my Concept Store, Affiliates, or Virtual Brew. It all keeps the storyline going.