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At the bus stop, a young generation Z girl jumped out before my eyes and shouted in my face – "I decided to be homeless! Give me a euro!"

And when she saw my grim face (my mind was trying to digest the information I had just heard), she got under a friend’s arm standing nearby and both laughing (like neighing horses), jumped on the bus going towards Vilnius Old Town. I looked down at my knee-high Vagabond boots and sighed deeply. In terms of fashion, I certainly support this concept, but the certainty/confidence of her first sentence, expressed with such dignity, pride, and a huge smile, I will not lie, had me thinking for several months.

To the last sentence of my latest post, "Who will She be now? What's going to happen? What will She smell like? How is She going to surprise You and Herself?", all I can answer is that she really is (and most probably knew that at a very young age) a DESIGNER and answers to the other questions are coming soon! It's all in the process, so stay tuned.

I already wanted to finish this post, but suddenly I remembered Truth, whom I met in Asia.

I wonder if she is still spreading positivity as she travels the world, inspires by being herself, eats healthy, dances, and does yoga. Did she manage to climb the top of the mountain as mentioned earlier on her 80th birthday and what are her plans for the next anniversary, since many years have passed since the last time we met...

Lezione Di Vita? Sometimes people's stories are hidden behind random words.

If my stories resonate with You, let's connect through my Concept Store, Affiliates, or Virtual Brew. It all keeps the storyline going.