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I sat down at the Starbucks and, just like everyone else, I was holding my laptop computer on my knees, engrossed in “some important business”. Suddenly two women sat down in front of me, complaining about “coffee cravings” they were having. And in a couple of moments, the smell of coffee wafted into the air. I closed my laptop and our eyes met. She was a Dutch woman named Truth. Well, at least this is how I like to remember it - the reflection of the word Truth.

“You know what?”, she shouted out after introducing herself. “Next year I am planning to go on a mountain trip to celebrate my 80th birthday anniversary”, I could not believe what I had just heard. She looked at least twenty years younger and she had been traveling all over the world. A traveler, a dancer, an artist... The following week she was planning to go to Australia to visit her friends...!

“What is the secret of your life?”, I asked her unable to stay still as I saw her brimming with energy. “There are three things to remember!”, she shouted outpointing her fingers up.


“Stay positive no matter what life throws at you”, she revealed the first principle.


“Eat as simple as possible”, was her second advice.


“Dance or do yoga...”, she said adding that this time the purpose of her visit was to give dance lessons to the blind of Malaysia.

She also expressed her distaste for modern gadgets. In her young days, people used to interact face to face with one another, but nowadays she feels very sad to see everyone walking with their heads down, all engrossed in “some important business” and not even noticing one another... As she finished the last drop of her coffee, I was still able to ask her whether she writes and shares herself with the world being such an incredibly interesting individual!... “Only face to face”, she said admitting that she neither has a blog nor a personal page.

Lezione di vita: I am happy to be able to share a tiny part of Truth's life I got a glimpse of during my strange afternoon adventure as well as my purest wish to “never grow up” and to always remain TRUTHFUL TO SELF-BEING.

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