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When I was a little curly girl, I couldn‘t walk along with people on sidewalks.

I would jump, stop, hug a tree, walk on the edge of the curb, jump on the grass, pet a dog, spook the pigeons, or splash the puddles – I’d do anything, just not to walk in someone’s shadow (it scared me a little). It seemed that if our shadows connect I might end up living someone else’s life.

How did I come up with it?

I wonder, but can’t explain.


Did I even understand what life meant at that age?

Children always come up with unexplainable ideas, but back then I not only listened to my inner voice but also obeyed it.

Now, my curls are straightened. I’m not afraid to walk behind someone’s shadow. I’m not afraid that our lives may connect. But the problem is, that now I don’t hear my inner voice that often, and even less often I do what it says. I don’t jump anymore. I rarely stop without a need to stop. The last time I hugged a tree was ages ago. I developed a fear of dogs. Cooing pigeons seem silly to me, I only like them in old movies where they bring love letters. I avoid puddles to protect my brand-new shoes.

However, ‘winding, stony, or green’ my life road may be, I still enjoy it in my way.

And there are so many things that happen not the way I want them to. And most often it’s the hardest thing to understand what step to take next.

What’s next? Sit and wait until someone does something…

‘Continue what you’ve started’, I hear M’s voice in my head.

Once again, our minds are in the future that hasn’t come yet. And when it comes we will live in the past that is long gone. Not here and now. Why do we always want to be at a different time?

It’s only today's thoughts.

Just for today.

They seem sort of nice to me.

But I’m inspired and motivated by that little curly girl, who was probably still learning how to write. Who was happy, smiled a lot, and was interested in everything that surrounded her.

Lezione di vita: However, I would twist my mind around what’s happening now, the answer spins around one word – LEARN.


Learn how to be compassionate.

Learn how to be more grateful.

Learn how to survive, when everyone suffers from the same problems.

The list goes on...


HEY 3A0, you can start with meditation or Google, but you must keep on LEARNING!

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