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Sometimes you get up and the sun shines very brightly inside, although it’s raining outside.

You feel grateful that you are here. You feel happy that you are exactly who you are and wouldn't change a thing. You find joy in the tiniest things and life is wonderful today.

And sometimes you get up so cold and empty inside, even though the sun is shining outside.

The inside is swarming with emptiness. You walk around the house like a pot full of silence, and no one seems to be happy. The ice-cold moon shines inside. You don’t feel grateful. You don’t feel happy. But deep inside, there’s a reminder that everything is fine.

And you realize that you are many things, and it can be GOOD in many ways.

So, again, slowly you open your creative writings and unfinished thoughts. You begin to touch the samples of fabrics lying on the table. You take a pencil in your hands. A line appears on a white sheet of paper. Line forms into flower. A flower forms a vision of a garment or some accessory. It looks like your camera is looking at you too – take me, go for a walk, capture something beautiful, or touch something to make it beautiful.

And sometimes it's very slow, like that slowest one. In small steps, but forward.


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