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When too many questions arise in my life, I always run into the world of books.

The old habit of reading traditional books was replaced by Audible. Whether I'm going for a walk, taking a bus, or exercising, I can always listen and learn something new. I like the idea I once heard, that a person should hear this world more because we have two ears, and only one mouth. And I will add another 2/2/2 – see more, hug more, and walk it out or Solvitur Ambulando more.

I'm currently reading an insights book “Destination Fabulous” by fashion director Anna Murphy about a woman and her age filled with fashion. I discovered it on stylist Linda Rodin's Instagram, in one of the posts. This book makes you love yourself and naturally accept the change that is happening in each of us. I think in the coming posts I'll share the thoughts that stuck with me.

As for the world of books, I'll also share a few more pearls that just formed me and my life as a designer. They're right next to my bed or on my phone. I bought some repeatedly while living in Italy, Malaysia, and China when I visited the world bookstores, where I could easily wander for a few hours.

Mireille Guiliano "French Women Don't Get Fat: The Secret of Eating for Pleasure"

Yes, I learned how to eat, and not only that.

When M proposed... The moment the champagne cork exploded, my name glowed up like a sign from God. I knew, that saying YES was the right choice. Veuve Clicquot Orange Label – my favorite champagne, that came into my life through Mireille Guiliano (former President and CEO of Clicquot, Inc. (LVMH)) books, which I read all. They helped me become who I am today.

Rebecca Pacheco "Do Your Om Thing“
Colleen Saidman Yee "Yoga for Life: A Journey to Inner Peace and Freedom“

Yes, I learned how to know my female body. I have been looking for a form of exercise suitable for me for a long time. I'm still looking, but these books have shown me the right direction.

Stephen King "On Writing"
Anne Lamott "Bird by Bird"

Yes, I learned how to write. In Beijing's The Bookworm space. I attended writers' evenings and seminars.

Chris Hadfield book "An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth: What Going to Space Taught Me About Ingenuity, Determination, and Being Prepared for Anything"

Yes, I'm still learning how to learn like astronauts 24/7, and when it's very difficult, to look at my problems from outer space.

Kenya Hara "Designing Design"
Karim Rashid "Design Your Self: Rethinking the Way You Live, Love, Work, and Play"

I always say YES to DESIGN. I attended Kenya’s seminar while living in Beijing and I met this author live. I love Karim Rashid.

These books are in every possible format, worth being close to you and some of their pages, I SWEAR, you just want to kiss. They give a lot of answers to life's questions that neither yourself nor the people around you can answer.


Agne Vei "Touching Mars"
Yes, I have written an e-book myself! I believe it also has pages that you would like to kiss.

If my stories resonate with You, let's connect through my Concept Store, Affiliates, or Virtual Brew. It all keeps the storyline going.