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It's been a month since my 3A0 birthday. As I dive through, organize, and analyzed my posts, I've noticed that birthday posts are getting special attention.
Is the topic of age so relevant?
By sharing a post, are you giving me a kind of gift, supporting, and saying – continue your journey? After all, sharing, it's not just an ordinary or an emotion. This is most likely a conscious act.
And so, as the morning cup of coffee in the sun-lit room was steaming and construction workers' voices were heard through the window, I once again decided to look through the three birthday posts and perhaps see the change in myself for the better.
Have you noticed that the birthday month is very sensitive? And the light tension felt throughout the month subsides only after the birthday has passed and a new cycle begins in your life.
I don't know how about you, but I began to breathe more calmly one day after my birthday when the smile was still up to my ears from the most beautiful wishes, gifts, and flower bouquets filling the room with a sweet smell. And the most beautiful words are usually written not by the closest ones, but by those whom you passed somewhere / somehow / briefly. "Distant and close like Mars" – the words of one person sound sweet, warm, good, and strange.
38th birthday: I call it "62 to 100 to be creative"
Background: COVID pandemic. Birthday wish: I blow out candles and pray, let the pandemic ends so we all can finally return to normal life. Gifts: new clothes because I dressed the same way again.
Need something huge and cozy from beautiful ATUKO. Minimalist. Simple. Clean. Unforgettable... Atene rocks!

Lezione di vita: Well, I will add that when you want new clothes, this is really a good sign (in life).
39th birthday, I just wish myself a happy day of champAGNE!
Background: War in Ukraine. Birthday wish: I blow out candles and pray, let the WAR END. Gifts: all donations and money sent to support the Blue/Yellow campaign and Ukrainian creators.
Eh, only one year until my 40th birthday, it's sensually so strong, as if it's going to be the 100th. Like seriously. And this year the Ukrainian war is taking place in the world. STRONG. HURT. TO CELEBRATE OR NOT TO CELEBRATE, which sounds like TO LIVE OR NOT TO LIVE. My grandmother and grandfather survived the war, my mother was born after the war, and now you see, through the screen, the lives of people crumbling and the dreams that have been blown away, seemingly not far away. Gifts no longer make sense, and if they are there it is only to support this brave country.
And this year it feels like there is already quite a bit of baggage. Makes you realize the depth of life that carries. You don't want to be younger anymore.
Lezione di vita: You realize that it's getting better, no matter how weird it sounds. You want your age, and you are happy where you are. That inner flame burns inside with the desire to overthrow the mountains.
Even today, we can make donations by contributing to the Ukrainian creators.

40th birthday, I call it "HAPPY 3A0"
Background: WABI SABI (the beauty of things imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete)/ EQUANIMITY (calmness and composure, especially in difficult situations).
Birthday wish: I blow out candles and pray, let me... (I'll reveal when it comes true!)
Gifts: in addition to beautiful words, and flowers, you want something new and it’s here!
Since the number 4 is unhappy in Asia, we changed it to 3A0. That's where the 3A0 decade opens before our eyes. While talking to a friend who is a Pilates instructor, she shared the idea from a senior's birthday she had attended recently: everyone unanimously decided that the best decade of life is from 3A0 to 50, because you are still really young, have life experience and a lot of strength to "go for it". Soon there’ll be 3A1, 3A2... 3A9.
And I want to believe that this blog will exist, the number of posts will increase, and there will still be more designs I have created. After all, so magically, there are more of you, since my birthday and I return to creativity in every sense!
Lezione di vita: After all, there is a saying that the older we are, the more ourselves we become!
Finally, I noticed that those numbers don't mean anything. And if your birthday is today: HAPPY BIRTHDAY and I wish you good health!
If my stories resonate with You, let's connect through my Concept Store, Affiliates, or Virtual Brew. It all keeps the storyline going.
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